Thursday, January 25, 2007

Snugglepot and Cuddlepie

... more like Puddlesnot and Cruddlepie am I right folks? *tish, etc*

Nah. It wasn't that bad - set and costumes were great, singers good. The story itself was as bloated as , with multiple redundant scenes and songs viz. way too much dancing around in circles and pointless captures and easy, tensionless escapes from the seriously un-menacing Banksia Men and Mrs. Snake. I know this is partially for kiddies, but they deserve a good pants-wetting fright - it's what good childrens stories are about. There were some laughs along the way but they were outnumbered by the shocking puns, by about, fivefold. And that Herald guy was right, songs = not memorable.

All in all an average adaptation that fails to reflect the strong atmosphere of dystopian despair and social decay that characterised May Gibbs original vision.


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