Wednesday, December 14, 2005

100% Aussie Shame (there is some mild abuse and non-nettiquette-compliant language in this post)

I guess what disgusts me the most about the Cronulla Riots is the mass, boof-headed stupidity on ample display by all sides. From the word go this fiasco has been a magnet for numbskulled fuckwittery easily surpassing the Macquarie Fields and Redfern mass brain-explosions. Special "I'm-a-clueless-shitstain" awards should be handed out (with jail sentences) to the clowns who bashed up lifeguards in the first place, the racist trainables who started SMS Lynch-mobs, the feckless, shit-stirring demagogue who egged them on over the airwaves and the puke-your-guts-out halfwitted bloodnut dunder-nuts who ran around bashing anyone who didn't look 'Aussie' enough. You brain-damaged Neanderthals blurt and slurr about how "Lebs only attack in gangs becoz they're chicken" - what the fuck is assaulting women in a mob then, micro-minds? To the 'Lions of Lebanon': shit like this is digging an even bigger Big Fat Pit of Stupid.

You all make me sick, but none moreso than those prancing little Gumnut Fascists with the Aussie flags, that slobbering tool with 'Ethnic Cleansing Unit' written on his t-shirt, the 'lions of lebanon' revenge text message and all the drooling dickbrains who think this is justified because 'they started it!' or 'we were here first!' (including Bruce "Revenge for Bali" Baird). Grow a fucking brain and then feel really really sorry about what you;ve done the last week or so - all you clowns have made an embarrasment of your country, your neighbourhoods, and the non-thicko Australian way of life.

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